Catalyst Cloud launches first kiwi Managed Database Service

20 November, 2020

Setting up and managing databases just got easier with the launch of Catalyst Cloud’s Managed Database Service in Tech Preview. The first of its kind on NZ soil, the fully managed API driven database lets IT administrators focus on their applications, saving them time on the day-to-day administration of their databases. It’s just one of the initiatives launched by the local cloud computing innovator to improve access to cloud computing in NZ.

The service is built to support a variety of open source database engines, with MySQL 5.7 available at launch and PostgreSQL to follow. Support for further database engines, both SQL and NoSQL based, will be made available in the future.  The managed database service uses engines that are commonly supported by a wide variety of software applications, and are not proprietary to Catalyst Cloud.

The Managed Database, aka Database as a Service (DBaaS), market is one of the fastest growing cloud services worldwide, with speed to deploy being a major driver. Where the time to self-provision a relational database can take weeks, with Catalyst Cloud’s Managed Database Service, IT administrators can choose a database version, the compute instance size and get everything up and running in less than a minute.

The service is fully automated ensuring compatibility over the life cycle of applications. The user-friendly web dashboard and simple API calls make it easy to customise, back-up and restore. Database replicas can be created to scale out, increasing resiliency and availability. And with Catalyst Cloud’s pay as you go pricing, you only pay for what you use.

Chief Growth Officer, Igor Portugal said, “With Catalyst Cloud’s fully automated database infrastructure, developers can be free to focus on delivering what really matters for their business. Our Managed Database Service also gives kiwi businesses the opportunity to keep all their data safely in New Zealand, and not just their backups”.

Global cloud web hosting service provider,, have been one of the first to try out the service. Providing the web hosting solution for the Australian Government’s whole of government platform, GovCMS, they run their world-class open source web hosting solution, Lagoon, in New Zealand on Catalyst Cloud’s hosting infrastructure. "We're excited about the possibilities Catalyst Cloud’s new Managed Database Service will offer our customers. Services like these are core components of a modern hosting technology stack. This offering is a great alternative to other providers' solutions, especially since it's based in New Zealand", said Thom Toogood,’s Senior Systems Engineer and Management Member.

Catalyst Cloud has three data centres regions in New Zealand, enabling customers to minimise risk and increase business resiliency through the use of these geographically diverse regions.

In line with its strong commitment to business ethics and social responsibility, Catalyst Cloud has made all the code they developed to create their Managed Database Service open source to benefit organisations here and worldwide.

“We’re extremely proud to be part of the global open source cloud computing movement,” says Portugal. “We strongly believe that open standards and open competition are beneficial for everyone. Customers should stay with cloud computing providers because they are happy with their services, not because they are locked in.”

Developers and IT administrators are welcome to start using the Managed Database Service while in Tech Preview. “We’d love for developers to come and have a play and let us know what they think”, said Portugal. “With $300 of free cloud services on signup, they can create and customise a database in minutes and test out how it all works at no cost.”

About Catalyst Cloud

Catalyst Cloud is New Zealand's leading local innovator in true cloud computing; the first to offer infrastructure as a service with the five essential characteristics of cloud computing according to NIST. As a Kubernetes Certified Service Provider in New Zealand, they are the first to offer a CNCF Certified Kubernetes platform service onshore.

The New Zealand owned company has offices in Wellington and Auckland and provides locally based cloud services at international standards. Catalyst Cloud has been offering cloud computing services since 2014 and became an independent company within the Catalyst IT group in August 2017.

As a New Zealand owned and operated business, Catalyst Cloud is dedicated to making the cloud more accessible and to growing the digital economy in Aotearoa, with powerful, cost-effective, and easy to implement cloud solutions, developed especially for the local market.

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