Our case studies

High Performance Computing on the Cloud

Christof Mueller, Tsunami Modelling Scientist
GNS Science

Tsunami blue line from Christof Meuller Read more
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Collaboration creates Aotearoa's first publicly accessible genomics platform

Rob Elshire, Genomics for Aotearoa New Zealand President
Genomics for Aotearoa New Zealand

Kiwi_Whakapapa_Project_Puketi_Fore.2e16d0ba.fill-170x170 Read more
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Elastic infrastructure for media events

Stephen Smith, Former Head of Operations and Technology
Māori Television

Steven_Smith_JJROxNZ.original4.max-165x165 Read more

Payroll system in your pocket

Troy Tarrant, CTO

Troy Tarrant Read more
Information Technology Read more

Ecological biodiversity in Aoteroa New Zealand

Dr. Kiri Joy Wallace, Eco-Index Co-lead
Eco Index

Dr Kiri Joy Wallace Read more
Environmental Services Read more

Correlation of radio astronomy data in real time

Stuart Weston, Institute for Radio Astronomy & Space Research (IRASR)
Auckland University of Technology

Stuart Weston Read more
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Artificial intelligence for language recognition

Edward Abraham, Founder & CEO
Dragonfly Data Science

Dragonfly Edward Abraham Read more
Information Technology Read more