National Data Infrastructure Symposium

Register here for Veracity Technology Spearhead and Catalyst Cloud's symposium on our approach to National Data Infrastructure for Aotearoa New Zealand.

Following the publication of the National Data Infrastructure blueprint we will be hosting a symposium to promote engagement and identify next steps, both further research and sector-specific implementation plans.

We hope this symposium will promote engagement with the NDI for Aotearoa New Zealand, identify possible consortium research partners & explore how the NDI could apply to industry.

The symposium will occur on Tuesday September 3rd at Level 9 Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington 6011


  • 9.30 - 10am: Registrations open
  • 10 - 10.30am: Welcome and an introduction to the wider Veracity Technology Spearhead research and international data trends
  • 10.30 - 11am: An introduction to and overview of NDI: Context, purpose, principles and requirements
  • 11 - 11.30am: Overview of the technical approaches/standards proposed
  • 11.30am - 12.30pm: Breakout: Three streams, each agreement on purpose, scope, and identifying the key participants and role.
    • Research and innovation stream: Exploring future opportunities and potential funding avenues to advance required science, research and development
    • Implementation stream: NDI as the foundation for a sector interoperability solution. We will be using food and fibre industry as a case study, highlighting applicability in other sectors
    • Mātauranga: How to strengthen a national data infrastructure by embracing mātauranga
  • 12.30 - 1pm: Lunch
  • 1 - 1.45pm: Breakout sessions continue with the focus moving on to next steps, high level planning, and establishing an ongoing way to communicate
  • 1.45 - 2pm: Wrap up and close

This a free event.

Please register here to express your interest in attending!

This will be referenced on name badges